How to Backup and restore a WordPress website
How would you feel if after about so many weeks of you seriously working on a website, it now crashes😨 almost at the point of you delivering the job or hosting online?
It can be so painful and frustrating😡 because it would demand you starting afresh.
All plugins, contents, customization, pictures and database gone. What a sad moment.😫
But have you ever taught of how you could avoid this unforseen circumstance because no one knows the minute/hour/day such a thing could happen.
This is why we always encourage developers to backup their websites regularly.🙄
Now, what do I mean by backup?
Backup simply means saving a copy of your website on a particular date and keeping it safe. Once😊Once backup is done, you can continue making changes to your site and if peradventure anything happens and your site stops working, all you would do is restore a backup and your site will be working again.
Note: After restoring the backup, your site will look exactly as it was when you took the backup.😁
So it's highly recommended that you always take a backup of your site. So that you don't loose your work.
Getting started
To backup a site, you just need to do 3 things:
- Install the backup plugin on your site.
Go to Dashboard - > Plugins - > Add new
Then search for a plugin called "Updraft".
This is the plugin which we are going to use for backup. So click on install.
- Activate the backup plugin on your site.
This is very simple, after installing a plugin, the button then changes to activate.
Click the activate button.
- Backup your website
Once this is done, we can now backup our website via the updraft plugin.
To take the backup go to:
Dashboard - > plugins
Select "settings" on the just activated plugin.
Then click the "Back up now" button.
Endeavor to check all boxes and then proceed to Back. up Now.
With all this done, Hurray! We have now taken a backup of our site.
You can always click the buttons on the navbar to see existing backups and other features.
This is simply how to take a backup of your website.
The next question would be how do I use this Backup?
If you mistakenly changed something on your site and you want to go back. You can use your backup to go back to the previous time.
Visit the plugin, I.e updraft and click restore, then select the particular backup file you want to restore.
Make sure you check all boxes and then click restore. You might decide not to check all boxes if you feel it would affect some recent updates.
Once this is done, boom, your site is up again!
Note: You cannot always remember to take a backup every time.
Imagine you taking a backup today and after about two weeks of you seriously working on your site, it then crashes,🤯 you would loose all the changes made within does days. Which is very bad.
So to avoid this, we can setup a schedule⏰ which will take a backup of our site at regular intervals.
By doing this our site's content will always be backed up without having to backup manually.
The link below shows how to setup an automatic backup.
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