Published inHackmambaHow to Plan for Software Scalability and Building for GrowthIn today’s world, technology is advancing by the day. Whenever you plan to build software, you must plan for growth. Scalability is one of…Nov 18, 2022Nov 18, 2022
Published inHackmambaDon’t Re-Invent The Wheel, Use AppwriteWhen attempting to build a solution on the internet using any technology, it is the wisest and best advice to look for resources available…Sep 6, 2022Sep 6, 2022
My year 2020 in Review: Hard Work PaidToday happens to be the last day(Day 366) of 2020 and a very perfect day to recount God’s Faithfulness. 2020 could be seen as one of the…Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020
How to set up an Automatic backup for your WordPress website.In the previous article, I wrote on how to backup your WordPress website and how to restore it. You can check it up here.Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
How to Backup and restore a WordPress websiteHow would you feel if after about so many weeks of you seriously working on a website, it now crashes😨 almost at the point of you…Apr 11, 2020Apr 11, 2020
Google Form: Basic things you need to knowThis article will explain to you the basic things you need to know about Google Form in “Simple English”.If you are a Pro at this already…Mar 26, 2020Mar 26, 2020
Understanding the concept of Web developmentThis article will explain to you the basic things you need to know about web development in “Simple English”.Mar 19, 2020Mar 19, 2020
Easy Plugins For Your Digital Products On WordpressIn this 21st century, selling digital goods and services is one of the smartest ways to make money online. This is far more profitable to…Jan 24, 2020Jan 24, 2020
BlockchainWhen you hear blockchain, everybody thinks it’s all about transferring crypto currencies from one person to another, but blockchain is far…Dec 23, 2019Dec 23, 2019
Simple Calculator with Php oopIn this article I will be showing you how to create a simple calculator using objected oriented programming in php.Dec 8, 2019Dec 8, 2019